System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Unable to deserialize XML body with root name 'LoginDTO' and root namespace '' (for operation 'LogIn' and contract ('IUserServices', ' ')) using DataContractSerializer. Ensure that the type corresponding to the XML is added to the known types collection of the service.
Unable To Deserialize Xml Body Using Datacontractserializer
The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Unable to deserialize XML body with root name 'Envelope' and root namespace ' ' (for operation 'notify' and contract ('IPush', ' ')) using DataContractSerializer. Ensure that the type corresponding to the XML is added to the known types collection of the service.'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace
Unable to deserialize XML body with root name 'Binary' and root namespace '' (for operation 'GetMyData' and contract ('ICFService', ' ')) using XmlSerializer. Ensure that the type corresponding to the XML is added to the known types collection of the service. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Unable to deserialize XML body with root name 'Binary' and root namespace '' (for operation 'GetMyData' and contract ('ICFService', ' ')) using XmlSerializer. Ensure that the type corresponding to the XML is added to the known types collection of the service.
The webservice is set up to return two types of XML documents, the real message contains some information and to deserilize this in my applicaiton I have created the corsponding classes with XmlRoot and XmlElement attributes (this is the class that I have added as known typ to the service interface). The other message that can be returned will only contain a string and when this happen an exception will probably be thrown in my client becouse It is trying to deserlize data into a type that do not support it. Its possible that the first exception (Unable to deserialize XML body with root name 'Binary') is thrown when I get a propper response and the second exception ( The data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1 ) is probably when I get the not supported message.
The root type is the type of which instances are serialized or deserialized. The DataContractSerializer has many constructor overloads, but, at a minimum, a root type must be supplied using the type parameter.
When using one of the simple ReadObject overloads, the deserializer looks for the default name and namespace on the wrapper element (see the preceding section, "Specifying the Default Root Name and Namespace") and throws an exception if it finds an unknown element. In the preceding example, the wrapper element is expected. The IsStartObject method is called to verify that the reader is positioned on an element that is named as expected.
Security. Any type found in the XML being deserialized is loaded. This can be exploited to force the loading of malicious types. Using the NetDataContractSerializer with untrusted data should be done only if a Serialization Binder is used (using the Binder property or constructor parameter). The binder permits only safe types to be loaded. The Binder mechanism is identical to the one that types in the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace use.
"The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Unable to deserialize XML body with root name 'UserId' and root namespace '' (for operation 'SaveCollection' and contract ('IRestServiceImpl', ' ')) using DataContractSerializer. Ensure that the type corresponding to the XML is added to the known types collection of the service.'."
As mentioned above, the class is used to deserialize objects. It's possible to harden its behavior by subclassing it. However, if you don't own the code or can't wait for a patch, using an agent to weave in hardening to is the best solution.
Don't allow the datastream to define the type of object that the stream will be deserialized to. You can prevent this by for example using the DataContractSerializer or XmlSerializer if at all possible.
In the first step, we deserialize the JSON to RootObject using the Deserialize method of the JsonSerializer class. This RootObject holds our SquidGame target object as a property. Subsequently, we serialize this to XML using the ObjectToXml helper method.
We accomplish the final JSON output by using Serialize method of JsonSerializer on the deserialized object. Since we want to keep the SquidGame node in our JSON graph, we have to wrap this within a RootObject.
JavaScriptSerializer is a class that helps to serialize and deserialize JSON. It is present in the namespace System.Web.Script.Serialization is available in assembly System.Web.Extensions.dll. To serialize a .Net object to JSON string use the Serialize method. It's possible to deserialize JSON string to .Net object using Deserialize or DeserializeObject methods. Let's see how to implement serialization and deserialization using JavaScriptSerializer.
A Network Discovery job has failed to complete.\r\nState: Failed\r\nProfile id: 106.\r\nThe Job Scheduler is reporting the following error:\r\nSolarWinds.JobEngine.WorkerProcess.JobExecutionException: System.Exception: Unable to deserialize job description. ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Error in line 0 position 0. Element ' :DiscoveryPluginJobDescriptionBase' contains data from a type that maps to the name ' :DeviceStudioDiscoveryPluginJobDescription'. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add the type corresponding to 'DeviceStudioDiscoveryPluginJobDescription' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer. 2ff7e9595c